英語・英会話の情報ランド ★日本的事物の英訳例(10)《編集A.Y.》 はっぴ a short outer garment chiefly worn by craftsmen, which usually has the shop logo or name on its back (It is also worn by ordinary people for festivals.) 初詣 the first New Year's visit to a Shinto shrine or a Buddhist temple, where People pray for the prosperity of their business, and their health and safety during the year 花見 an outing in spring to view cherry blossoms in full bloom (People often have a picnic under the trees.) 彼岸 the week centering around the vernal or autumnal equinox, during which people visit their family graves to remember those who have passed away ひな祭り the Doll Festival or Girls' Festival a festival for girls held on March 3, when people display 'hina' dolls at home to hope for the healthy growth and happiness of their daughter(s) 屏風 a folding screen consisting of a wooden frame covered with thick Japanese paper or cloth (usually silk), used as a room divider or decoration ひらがな cursive phonetic characters developed from kanji (Chinese characters) ふとん traditional
Japanese bedding, a set of a thick quilt and a mattress stuffed with cotton (When
not in use, it is folded and stored in the 'oshiire' closet.) <特訓!入門〜通訳まで、成果公約。親身の熱誠指導に一切の妥協なし> NCCは当サイトのスポンサーです <ページ番号検索> |