英語・英会話の情報ランド ★日本的事物の英訳例(5)《編集A.Y.》 尺八 a vertical bamboo flute with four finger holes in the front and one at the back, usually played as accompaniment to traditional songs しゃぶしゃぶ a one-pot dish made at the table by cooking thinly sliced beef and vegetables in boiling broth and eaten after being dipped in a special sauce じゃんけん the game of 'scissors-paper-stone' played between two or more people to decide who is the winner or who plays first 将棋 a traditional chess-like board game played between two people 障子 a sliding door covered with thin white Japanese paper over a wooden frame, mostly used to separate a room from a porch-like area or a corridor 焼酎 a relatively inexpensive alcoholic beverage distilled from rice, wheat or sweet potatoes 書道 Japanese brush calligraphy 除夜の鐘 temple bells at midnight on New Year's Eve, which are rung 108 times to free people from their 108 earthly desires しりとり a Japanese word-chain game in which the players are required to say a word that starts with the last syllable of the word given by the previous player 汁粉 sweet adzuki-bean-paste soup with grilled pieces of rice cake
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