英語・英会話の情報ランド ★日本的事物の英訳例(3)《編集A.Y.》 書き初め a traditional ceremony of doing calligraphy with a bush for the first time in the New Year (usually held on January 2) 掛け軸 a hanging scroll with a picture or a work of calligraphy pasted on the center カタカナ one of two phonetic characters used to represent the sounds of the Japanese language, usually used to write onomatopoeia and loanwords かっぱ a Japanese water imp an imaginary animal that is a cross between a child and a frog, believed to live in a river or a pound 門松 a New Year decorations made of pine branches, bamboo stems and Japanese apricot twigs, placed at the front door in pairs.) 神棚 a household Shinto altar, usually placed above the lintel 漢字 the Chinese ideographs or characters 下駄 Japanese wooden clogs, consisting of two wooden supports and inverted-V shaped thong 剣道 a Japanese martial art, somewhat similar to fencing 碁(囲碁) a board game played between two people, in which they alternately place rounded black and white stones to secure their position <特訓!入門〜通訳まで、成果公約。親身の熱誠指導に一切の妥協なし> NCCは当サイトのスポンサーです <ページ番号検索> |