英語・英会話の情報ランド ★日本的事物の英訳例(6)《編集A.Y.》 すき焼き a dish of thinly sliced beef, vegetables such as green onions, shiitake mushrooms, and grilled tofu cooked in an iron pan at the table (seasoned with soy sauce, sugar, and sake) 歳暮 a year-end gift Japanese send to their superiors, customers, and teachers in token of their appreciation 赤飯 glutinous rice steamed with boiled red azduki beans, usually served on celebratory, congratulatory occasions such as festivals and birthdays 節分 the day before the first day of spring (according to the lunar calendar), termed 'risshun,' which usually falls on February 3 禅 a type of Buddhist training to attain spiritual enlightenment by means of sitting cross-legged in silent meditation 銭湯 a public bath that charges admission, where many people bathe together せんべい a thin, hard rice cracker, grilled after being seasoned with salt, soy sauce, sugar, etc 川柳 a seventeen-syllable poem spiced with humor 雑煮 a bowl of soup containing rice cakes, steamed fish paste, chicken, and vegetables, served during the New Year holidays そうめん very thin wheat noodles, served cool and eaten after being dipped in a special sauce ぞうり traditional Japanese sandals with a V-shaped thong, originally made of woven rice straw or rushes <特訓!入門〜通訳まで、成果公約。親身の熱誠指導に一切の妥協なし> NCCは当サイトのスポンサーです <ページ番号検索> |