英語・英会話の情報ランド ★日本的事物の英訳例(1)《編集A.Y.》 できるだけ説明的な訳を示しています。 甘酒 a sweet alcoholic drink made from fermented rice あんこ sweetened bean paste made from red 'azuki' beans and sugar, somewhat similar to jam 生け花 (the art of) flower arrangement the traditional Japanese art of arranging flowers aesthetically in a vase うどん thick white noodles made from wheat flour, usually eaten in hot broth with toppings 梅干し pickled 'ume' (salted plums), which have been sun-dried and then further pickled 干支 the signs of the zodiac in Chinese astrology the twelve animals used cyclically in the traditional Chinese calendar 絵馬 a votive picture tablet of a horse a small wooden tablet with a horse painted on it, which people offer to Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples with wishes or thanks for the gods 演歌 a sentimental Japanese-style ballad of the grudges and bitterness accompanying love, and personal tragedy 縁側 a porch-like wooden floor outside a Japanese-style room facing the garden on the first floor お好み焼き a Japanese-style pancake usually cooked on a griddle, made from batter with pieces of meat, seafood, cabbage, etc. <特訓!入門〜通訳まで、成果公約。親身の熱誠指導に一切の妥協なし> NCCは当サイトのスポンサーです <ページ番号検索> |