英語・英会話の情報ランド ★動詞型・早見表(4)《編集A.Y.》 delay verb + doing I delayed
telling her about her aunt's death as long as I could. deny verb + doing She
denied ever having seen
it. dislike verb + doing He dislikes
working for other people. dream verb + preposition + doing She
dreamed of becoming an astronaut. enable verb + object + to do The
money enabled him to buy a new car. encourage verb + object + to do
enjoy verb + doing As I
have bought a car, I can enjoy going for a drive
on Sundays. expect verb + to do I never
expected to see her again. verb + object + to do We
expect the mild weather to continue this fall. <特訓!入門〜通訳まで、成果公約。親身の熱誠指導に一切の妥協なし> NCCは当サイトのスポンサーです <ページ番号検索> |