真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院

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until one is blue in the face




I can tell him to tidy his room until I'm blue in the face, but it's always a mess.

out of the blue



類似の表現にa bolt from/out of the blue(青い空からの稲妻)があります。


One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.

He seemed to be very happy in his job, so his resignation came as a bolt out of blue.

have a green thumb/green fingers

a green thumb(アメリカ英語)やgreen fingers(イギリス英語)とは、植物を育てることが好きで、しょっちゅう触っていると、植物の葉によってその人の親指が緑色に染まることから、the ability to make plants growを指します。

そこで、have a green thumb/green fingersという表現は、園芸上手な人について使います。

I'm afraid I don't have green fingers. I've killed every plant I've ever owned.

the green-eyed monster



O, beware, my lord, of jealousy/It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock/The meat it feeds on.


Do you think his criticisms of Jack are valid or is it just a case of the green-eyed monster?

類似の表現にbe green with envy(顔が青白くなるほど、ひどくうらやんで/ねたんでいる)があります。

She's going off to the south of France for three weeks and we're all green with envy.

真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院

